Pregnancy Complications 

The moment you feel something is wrong or hear the bad news, dread can fill your heart. These brave momma's share their story of hearing the worst from their doctor and choosing to believe God's promise of life for their child. Our hope is that you will be encouraged by their stories of faith despite fearful circumstances. 


The Stetsons

"Be Strong and Courageous" 

I was 27 and decided it was time to have a kid. My husband, Chris, and I had been married for 3 years, and we were financially fine, so why not? After a few months of TTC, my friend suggested charting. After trying to chart, I soon realized I was not ovulating...


The Huckins

"Waiting on My World to Change"

The excitement was racing in my heart as I waited to see my baby for the first time. Yes, it was my second child—not to mention our first baby was only 5 months old—but it was still just as thrilling as the first time...


The Thatchers

"He Never Forsakes Those Who Seek"

We were initially excited with our pregnancy as things started out well, but we were both scared since we'd already had a miscarriage 5 months earlier.  I think when any couple initially starts trying to conceive they believe they will take home a healthy baby.  After going through miscarriage and infertility however we let that joy and hope be replaced by fear and anger.