Delayed Fertility

We get it. You've prayed for months, or years for those two little lines on a pregnancy test and they've all come back negative. Where is God in this pain? Is God ever going to answer the prayers you pray to grow your family? Join the community that clings to this verse: 
 "He gives the childless woman a family, making her a happy mother. Praise the LORD!" Ps 113:9



The Knodels

“He’s Found in the Wait”

So, I did what I hadn’t done this whole time. I pushed in, I stepped out and prayed boldly, I worshiped, even when it was too painful, I fought to climb this mountain in the desert, and I was determined to find purpose in this season. And the beauty of all of this is God met me right here in my wilderness.


The Castros

"From Despair To Hope"

We made the choice to believe that God would answer our prayer to become parents... My doctor looked at my file and ordered two urine tests; he was in shock when he said, “I am not sure what your beliefs are about God. But this, is impossible. I didn’t do this.”


The Johnsons

"He Makes Bitter Waters Sweet"

It was late on a Sunday night in early February of 2006, and my sweet husband of barely two years and I were whispering in the dark.  I had broached the topic of children with him a short time earlier, and he needed time to wrap his head around it...


The Derbys

"Secondary Infertility & Autumn Rains"

My husband and I’s journey through infertility and trying to conceive actually started with our second child. We were married 5 years ago, and I got pregnant with our daughter about a year later. Everything was going exactly as we had planned...


The Walkers

"Secondary Infertility, God, & The Pill"
After I had my first baby, my Dr. and I noticed that my body was unable to ovulate and produce a hormone spike even though I'd stopped nursing and was back to being just a "normal" 29 year old gal! We tried a few rounds of clomid to try to get my body to release an egg, and while I was able to ovulate...


The Bakers

"Streams in the Wasteland"

Each year as autumn begins to come to an end, the impending season of winter hangs over my head like a foreboding dark and heavy cloud. I feel as though I spend the winter months holding my breath while waiting anxiously for color and life to return to the world outside our frozen window panes...


The Assads

"Endometriosis & 1% Chance to Conceive"

Ivan and I got married in November of 2010.  We were dead set on having babies - we wanted a big family!!  So we didn’t waste any time starting to try.   We prayed and prayed and tried and tried.  After about a year of trying we went to see my OB and started the discussions about our fertility...


The Bowers 

"He Gives the Childless Woman a Family"

After losing a pregnancy at 12 weeks, my husband and I were devastated and thrown right back into the pit of infertility. My body craved life; both a life to grow from within and a life without tears, frustration and questioning. In desperation I cried out to God on my way to work...  


The Marcus Family 

"Joy Comes in the Morning"

When I look back on our journey through delayed fertility, miscarriage, and infant loss, this verse just describes the whole journey perfectly. There were so many nights of weeping and crying out, but God was faithful and finally JOY came in the morning...


The Safkens

"An Extreme Prayer and the Miracles That Followed"

When my husband Chuck and I decided we would try to start a family, my only prayer was this: “God, do whatever gives you the most glory.” That is a dangerous prayer, because it does not take into consideration our feelings or comfort...


The Nobles

"PCOS, Adoption Loss & a Miracle"

I am content.  Every time my heart aches for a sibling for Emery, I remember what a miracle she is and how grateful I am and I ask the Lord to help me be content.  I trust He has a plan for her.  He created her and His future for her is amazing! 


The Brooks

"Heart Changed & Desire Restored"

Mine is not a testimony of infertility, but one of God's faithfulness. As a young girl and even into early adulthood, I had a strong desire to be married and have a family. Unfortunately, through a series of unhappy circumstances the enemy tried to steal my desire away...


The Hunts

"Don't Rely on Science"

After 6 years of marriage we came to a place where we both felt peace with me no longer taking birth control. We were saying, “God we are ready this month! But no rush.”  As a teenager I had struggled with non-existent cycles...