The 4 Cornerstones of Health & Wellness for Mothers

Hi sweet friends!! I hope your spring is off to a fruitful start!

I want to invite you to join us for the final 2 episodes of this amazing series: The 4 Cornerstones of Health and Wellness for Mothers. I've teamed up with Dr. Jennifer Blossom, Founder of and Blossoming Mommy & Baby. We are teaching on some very important topics for moms and future moms-  topics that are very near and dear to our hearts.

If you've missed the first two, it's no problem! You can still join for the final episodes on April 8 and April 15 on the Blossom To Be Fit Show!!! Download periscope for free on iPhone or Android then search for Lauren Bourne and Blossomtobefit. You can also watch from a web browser at

The show will start at 2pm CST on Dr. Blossom's channel, then she'll pass it off to me! So turn your notifications on if you want to catch live and get involved in the conversation!

Friday March 25th- Physical + Nutritional Health
Friday April 1st- Christian walk + Quiet time
Friday April 8th- Balance + Productivity
Friday April 15th – Companionship + Influence