
Support Adopting Parents: A Guide

by Amanda Hogue

With the holidays approaching, we are offering a guide to supporting adopting parents through the holidays (and beyond!). The holidays can be a difficult season for waiting parents as another milestone approaches and they find themselves still in a waiting season.Holidays can be the hardest because the business of life slows down and the focus turns to our families and children.


Motivated By Love

Loving First in Adoption by Amanda Hogue

All of our kids (bio or adopted) are children of God FIRST. This truth this should cause us to pause. As my husband and I are considering adoption again, we are challenged to adopt in a way that honors God. Our primary motivation for adopting the first time was to grow our family, and while that is still the ultimate goal, our eyes have also been opened so much more to the tragedy that marks adoption.


His Mercies are New Every Morning

By Amanda Hogue

I remember the days I couldn’t even open my bible before heading out the door to work. The words just blurred together because my eyes were full of tears. My faith had run out. This adoption process was too long. Too hard. Too expensive. And we’d run out of everything; faith, hope, and money.


Choosing Adoption 

By Amanda Hogue

We discussed adoption before I took out my Nuvaring and starting trying for a family. It felt 100 years away, but looking back, I know God was preparing our hearts for a unique way to grow our family.


The Unique Pain Of Adoption

By Amanda Hogue

If you are considering adoption as a result of delayed fertility or failed fertility treatments, it can be accompanied by an enormous sense of loss...


Adoption Resources - Coming Soon